Date: June 7, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 28:16-20 | Pastor Jack Miller
The doctrine of the trinity helps us understand that God lives in perfect harmonious community. Some describe God in the persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as existing in a divine, perfectly choreographed dance. This idea helps us understand God's design for human relationships - that we were created to live in perfect harmony with our Creator and with one another. Jesus' command to baptize people of every nation - regardless of their race or ethnicity - shows us that God's kingdom (or kin-dom) is an ever-expanding realm where all people are invited to live together in equality, enjoying God's divine justice where all have what they need to enjoy the abundant life Jesus promises us. Our worship service takes time to acknowledge the sin plaguing our world as we repent of our role in it and recommit to following Jesus as he continues to work in and through us to shine light in every place where evil still flourishes.
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