We work together to sow seeds of compassion in times of need.
Local Ministries
We nourish people in body and spirit by delivering meals to members, working with other churches to provide free community dinners, and supporting our local food pantry.
Our members provide White Angel gifts to those in need at Christmas, care boxes to college students, support for the annual 4K rides for cancer, and financial support for many local, national and international groups.
Our members stay connected and supported through both email and phone prayer chains. Our Deacons and Care Team members send cards, distribute altar flowers and visit with our sick and homebound friends.
We serve with partners in the community to develop opportunities for supportive housing in Bedford County.

4K For Cancer

Operation Christmas Child Distribution

TeacHaiti Mission Trip
Global Ministries
Operation Christmas Child
For more than 8 years, our congregation has helped pack and ship Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes which, combined with boxes from other churches, touch the lives of children in orphanages, war torn countries, refugee camps in approximately 160 developing countries around the world.
TeacHaiti Mission
Since 2001, church members have taken mission trips to help with hurricane relief in New Orleans and Texas, City, Texas and to serve in countries such as Honduras and Guatemala. Beginning in 2011, teams of 5-6 people have traveled to Haiti to partner with the TeacHaiti School of Hope. The volunteers build classroom furniture, playgrounds, and beds for the guest house, host youth bible camps, and talk to Haitian farmers about animal health issues and how to raise better, higher quality food for their families. On our last trip, we trained our Haitian partners to build classroom furniture with power tools we supplied and left for future projects. Pictures from the community went into a French to English to Creole alphabet book to help the children learn to read.
Deacons and Elders
A Deacon has been called by God and given gifts to help care for people. Being a Deacon is first and foremost about showing God’s love.
The responsibility of the Elders is to discern God’s will for our particular congregation and to lead the church into fulfilling God’s mission. The Elders, both pastor and lay members, comprise the Session which oversees all activities of the Church.